The "Dartou Culture Game License and Service Agreement" (hereinafter referred to as "this Agreement") is jointly concluded by you and the provider of Dartou Culture Game Services, and this Agreement has contractual effect. Please read carefully and fully understand the terms of each clause, especially the clauses that exempt or limit liability, as well as separate agreements for the opening or use of certain services. Restrictive and exemption clauses may be highlighted in bold to draw your attention.

Unless you have read and accepted all the terms of this Agreement, you have no right to use the Dartou Culture Game Services. Your use of the Dartou Culture Game Services is deemed as your reading and agreement to sign this Agreement.

If you are under 18 years of age, please read this Agreement under the accompaniment of your legal guardian, and pay special attention to the terms for minors.

National Press and Publication Administration's Advisory on Healthy Gaming
Advisory on Healthy Gaming
Resist unhealthy games, refuse pirated games.
Pay attention to self-protection, beware of being deceived.
Moderate gaming is beneficial for the brain, but indulgence in games is harmful to health.
Arrange time reasonably and enjoy a healthy life.

This game is provided by Dartou Culture. Game currency is merely a game prop and does not have any property functions. It is only available for personal use in the game. Our company does not provide any form of official buyback, cash or physical exchange, mutual gift services, and related functions for game currency. It is strictly forbidden for users to engage in mutual selling, transferring game currency in the game and offline. Any such behavior will result in permanent account suspension and zeroing of the account!

I. Definitions

1.1 This Agreement refers to the main text of this Agreement, the "Dartou Culture Service Agreement", game rules, and their revised versions. Once officially released, the above content becomes an integral part of this Agreement. This Agreement also includes the "Essential Terms of the Network Game Service Format Agreement" formulated by the Ministry of Culture in accordance with the "Interim Measures for the Administration of Online Games" (Ministry of Culture Order No. 49).

1.2 Game Rules refer to the user rules, player regulations, game announcements, and notices about Dartou Culture games that are periodically released and revised by the provider of Dartou Culture game services.

1.3 The provider of Dartou Culture game services refers to Shenzhen Dartou Culture Technology Co., Ltd., which provides you with Dartou Culture games and their services, referred to as "Dartou Culture" in this Agreement.

1.4 Dartou Culture Games refer to the collective name of games operated by Dartou Culture, including computer client games, web games, mobile terminal games, and other forms of games; Dartou Culture Games may be provided in software form, in which case, Dartou Culture Games also include the relevant software and related documentation.

1.5 Dartou Culture Game Services refer to the various online operational services related to the game provided by Dartou Culture to you.

1.6 You, also known as "player" or "user", refers to a natural person authorized to use Dartou Culture games and their services.

1.7 Game Data refers to various data recorded by the server during your use of Dartou Culture games, including game logs, security logs, and other data.

II. Changes and Effectiveness of the Agreement

2.1 Dartou Culture reserves the right to change this Agreement when necessary and will notify on the relevant pages. You can check the latest version of the agreement terms on the relevant pages of Dartou Culture games.

2.2 After the terms of this Agreement are changed, if you continue to use the Dartou Culture Game Services, it is deemed that you have accepted the changed agreement. If you do not accept the changed agreement, you should stop using the Dartou Culture Game Services.

III. Game Account

3.1 When Dartou Culture requires you to register as a user with your real identity in accordance with national laws and regulations, you should provide real identity information for registration and ensure that the personal identity information provided is true, complete, and effective, and bear the corresponding legal responsibilities for the information provided in accordance with the law and the provisions of this clause.

3.2 The registration of accounts and nicknames should comply with legal regulations and social ethics, and must not use the real names, characters, stage names, pen names of party and state leaders or other celebrities, as well as uncivil and unhealthy language.

3.3 After registering as a Dartou Culture user with your real identity, if you need to modify the personal identity information provided, Dartou Culture will promptly and effectively provide you with this service.

3.4 You fully understand and agree that, in order to improve the security level of Dartou Culture game services, Dartou Culture may apply relevant technologies or software to Dartou Culture games, but Dartou Culture does not guarantee that these security measures can completely eliminate the risk of game accounts being stolen or lost.

3.5 You should properly manage your game account; you should notify Dartou Culture immediately upon discovering that your game account has been misused.

3.6 You fully understand and agree that if Dartou Culture restricts, freezes, or terminates your use of the game account in accordance with relevant business rules, it may result in the deletion of your game data and related information under the game account, as well as the loss of related rights, which you shall bear on your own, and Dartou Culture shall not be liable for this.

3.7 You fully understand and agree that, in order to efficiently utilize server resources, if you have not used your game account to log in to Dartou Culture games for a long time, Dartou Culture has the right to, after prior notice, take measures such as deleting the account and the game data and related information under the account, which may result in the loss of related rights under the game account, and Dartou Culture shall not be liable for this.

3.8 The ownership of the account belongs to Dartou Culture, and the user enjoys the right to use the account during the game operation period.

IV. Collection, Use, and Protection of User Information

4.1 You agree and authorize Dartou Culture to collect your user information for the purpose of fulfilling this Agreement. These information include those registered in the real-name registration system, game data under your game account, and other information you provide to Dartou Culture or that Dartou Culture needs to collect based on considerations of security and user experience optimization. Dartou Culture's collection of your user information will comply with relevant legal provisions.

4.2 You fully understand and agree that in order to better provide Dartou Culture game services, Dartou Culture may submit your user information to its affiliated companies, and Dartou Culture has the right to sort, statistically analyze, and utilize your user information by itself or through third parties.

4.3 You fully understand and agree that Dartou Culture or its cooperative third parties may, based on your user information, provide you with various information about Dartou Culture games, such as event information, promotional information, etc., through SMS, telephone, email, and other methods.

4.4 Dartou Culture guarantees not to disclose or provide your personal information to any third party, except in the following circumstances:

(1) Obtaining your permission before disclosure or provision; (2) Disclosure or provision in accordance with laws or policies; (3) Disclosure or provision of your personal information is necessary to provide the Dartou Culture game services you need; (4) Disclosure or provision in accordance with the requirements of state authorities; (5) Disclosure or provision in accordance with other provisions of this Agreement.

V. Dartou Culture Game Services

5.1 Under the premise that you comply with this Agreement and relevant laws and regulations, Dartou Culture grants you a personal, non-transferable, and non-exclusive license to use Dartou Culture game services. You may use Dartou Culture game services for non-commercial purposes, including:

(1) Receiving, downloading, installing, starting, upgrading, logging in, displaying, running, and/or screenshotting Dartou Culture games; (2) Creating game characters, setting online names, reading game rules, user profiles, game results, opening game rooms, setting game parameters, purchasing and using game props, game equipment, game currency, etc., using chat functions, social sharing functions; (3) Using other functions supported and allowed by Dartou Culture games.

5.2 You must not record and disseminate Dartou Culture game content online without Dartou Culture's permission, including but not limited to using any third-party software for online dissemination.

5.3 In the case where Dartou Culture games are provided in software form, you should also comply with the software license provisions of Article VI of this Agreement when using Dartou Culture games and Dartou Culture game services.

5.4 All other rights not expressly authorized by this Article and other provisions of this Agreement are reserved by Dartou Culture, and you must obtain written permission from Dartou Culture to exercise these rights.

5.5 If Dartou Culture discovers or receives reports or complaints about users violating this Agreement, Dartou Culture has the right to delete the relevant content without prior notice, and depending on the circumstances, impose penalties on the offending game accounts, including but not limited to warnings, restrictions or prohibitions on the use of all or part of the functions, suspension of the game account until cancellation, and announce the results of the handling.

5.6 You fully understand and agree that Dartou Culture has the right to reasonably judge and impose penalties on any actions that violate laws and regulations or this Agreement, take appropriate legal actions against any user with illegal or non-compliant behavior, and save relevant information for reporting to relevant authorities, and the user shall bear all legal responsibilities arising therefrom.

5.7 You fully understand and agree that if you violate this Agreement or related service terms, resulting in any claims, demands, or losses from third parties, you shall bear the responsibility independently; if Dartou Culture suffers losses, you shall also compensate.

5.8 You fully understand and agree that game props, game equipment, game currency, etc. are part of Dartou Culture game services, and Dartou Culture hereby grants you the right to use them under this Agreement. You should purchase and use game props, game equipment, game currency, etc. in accordance with the requirements of this Agreement and specific game rules; at the same time, game props, game equipment, game currency, etc. may be subject to a certain validity period. If you do not use them within the specified validity period, except for force majeure or reasons attributable to Dartou Culture, once the validity period expires, they will automatically expire.

5.9 You fully understand and agree that in order to create a fair and healthy gaming environment, Dartou Culture has the right to understand your terminal device's random storage memory and related programs running simultaneously with Dartou Culture games through technical means during your use of Dartou Culture game services. Once any unauthorized program related to the normal operation of Dartou Culture game services is found, Dartou Culture will collect all relevant information and take reasonable measures to combat it.

5.10 You fully understand and agree that in order to ensure the gaming speed for you and other users, Dartou Culture has the right to periodically transfer or clear some past game data stored on Dartou Culture game servers.

5.11 Dartou Culture will take effective measures to protect the legitimate rights and interests of minors in the use of Dartou Culture game services in accordance with relevant laws and regulations and this Agreement, including but not limited to technical measures, prohibiting minors from contacting unsuitable games or game functions, limiting the gaming time of minors, preventing minors from indulging in the network. As part of the game rules, Dartou Culture will also publish user guides and warning instructions in appropriate locations, including game content introductions, correct use methods of games, and methods to prevent harm. All minor users should read and comply with these guides and instructions under the guidance of their legal guardians; other players should avoid posting and generating any content that is harmful to the physical and mental health of minors during the use of Dartou Culture game services, and jointly create a healthy gaming environment.

VI. Software License

6.1 To use Dartou Culture game services, you may need to download and install related software. You can directly obtain the software from Dartou Culture's relevant websites or from third parties authorized by Dartou Culture. If you obtain Dartou Culture games or games with the same name as Dartou Culture games from a third party not authorized by Dartou Culture, it will be deemed that you have not obtained authorization from Dartou Culture. Dartou Culture cannot guarantee that the game can be used normally, and will not be responsible for any losses you may incur.

6.2 Dartou Culture may develop different software versions for different terminal devices or operating systems, including but not limited to versions for windows, ios, android, windows phone, symbian, blackberry, and other applications. You should choose the appropriate version for installation according to your actual situation. After downloading the installation program, you need to install it correctly following the steps prompted by the program.

6.3 If Dartou Culture games are provided in software form, Dartou Culture grants you a personal, non-transferable, and non-exclusive license. You may only download, install, log in, and use the Dartou Culture game on a single terminal device for non-commercial purposes.

6.4 To provide more high-quality and secure services, Dartou Culture may recommend that you install other software during the software installation. You can choose to install or not install.

6.5 If you no longer need to use the software or need to install a new version, you can uninstall it yourself. If you are willing to help Dartou Culture improve product services, please inform the reason for the uninstallation.

6.6 To ensure the security and consistency of functions of Dartou Culture game services, Dartou Culture has the right to update the software or change or limit some functional effects of the software without special notice to you.

6.7 After the release of a new version of the software, older versions of the software may not be usable. Dartou Culture does not guarantee the continued availability of older versions of the software and corresponding customer service. Please check and download the latest version at any time.

VII. User Behavior Norms

7.1 You fully understand and agree that you are responsible for all actions under your game account, including any content you post and the consequences arising therefrom. You should independently judge the content of Dartou Culture games and bear all risks arising from the use of Dartou Culture game services, including risks arising from reliance on the correctness, completeness, or practicality of Dartou Culture game content. Dartou Culture cannot and will not be liable for any loss or damage caused by the aforementioned risks.

7.2 In addition to using Dartou Culture game services as stipulated in this Agreement, you must not infringe upon the intellectual property rights of Dartou Culture games or engage in any other actions that harm the legitimate rights and interests of Dartou Culture or other third parties.

7.3 Unless permitted by law or with written permission from Dartou Culture, you must not engage in the following behaviors:

(1) Deleting copyright information on game software and its copies; (2) Conducting reverse engineering, reverse assembly, reverse compilation, or other attempts to discover the source code of the software; (3) Scanning, probing, or testing the game software to detect, discover, or find any possible bugs or weaknesses; (4) Copying, modifying, adding, deleting, running in conjunction with, or creating any derivative works of the data released to any terminal memory during software operation, the interactive data between the client and server during software operation, and the system data necessary for software operation, including but not limited to using plug-ins, external hangings, or unauthorized third-party tools/services to access the software and related systems; (5) Modifying or forging instructions or data during software operation, adding, deleting, changing the functions or operating effects of the software, or operating or disseminating the software or methods used for these purposes, regardless of whether the behavior is for commercial purposes; (6) Using Dartou Culture games and Dartou Culture game services through third-party software, plug-ins, external hangings, or systems not developed or authorized by Dartou Culture, or producing, publishing, or disseminating third-party software, plug-ins, external hangings, or systems not developed or authorized by Dartou Culture; (7) Using, renting, lending, copying, modifying, linking, reprinting, compiling, publishing, establishing mirror sites, etc. of content in the game that Dartou Culture owns intellectual property rights; (8) Establishing mirror sites of Dartou Culture games, or performing web (network) snapshots, or providing services similar to Dartou Culture game services to others through server setup; (9) To respond to the country's green gaming policy and advocate rational consumption, a single user's daily recharge should not exceed 2000 yuan; (10) Separating any part of Dartou Culture games for separate use, or using them in other ways that do not conform to this Agreement; (11) Using the name, trademark, or other intellectual property of Dartou Culture games; (12) Other behaviors not expressly authorized by Dartou Culture.

7.4 If you engage in any of the following behaviors while using Dartou Culture game services, Dartou Culture will, based on the severity of the situation, take measures such as temporarily or permanently prohibiting login, deleting the game account and game data, deleting relevant information, etc., in accordance with this Agreement and relevant game rules. For serious cases, Dartou Culture will transfer the matter to relevant administrative authorities for行政处罚, or pursue your criminal responsibility:

(1) Implying or falsely claiming to be an internal employee of Dartou Culture or having a special identity in an attempt to gain improper benefits or affect other users' rights; (2) Using illegal or inappropriate words or characters in Dartou Culture games, including for character naming; (3) Destroying Dartou Culture games or affecting the normal operation of Dartou Culture game services in any way; (4) Engaging in various illegal external hanging behaviors; (5) Spreading illegal statements or inappropriate information; (6) Stealing other users' game accounts and game items; (7) Conducting private transactions of game accounts; (8) Conducting private transactions of game props, game equipment, game currency, etc.; (9) Other inappropriate behaviors widely recognized in the industry, whether or not explicitly listed in this Agreement or game rules.

VIII. Disclaimer

8.1 Dartou Culture game services are provided to you "as is". Dartou Culture does not guarantee that Dartou Culture game services will be error-free or uninterrupted, all defects will be corrected, or Dartou Culture game services will not be damaged by viruses or any other factors. Unless expressly provided by law, Dartou Culture hereby expressly disclaims any express or implied warranties, including but not limited to the performance, suitability, or non-infringement of Dartou Culture game services.

8.2 In any case, Dartou Culture shall not be liable for any losses you suffer in the use of Dartou Culture game services due to force majeure. Such force majeure events include but are not limited to national laws, regulations, policies, and orders of national authorities, as well as other unpredictable, unavoidable, and insurmountable events such as earthquakes, floods, snowstorms, fires, tsunamis, typhoons, strikes, wars, etc.

8.3 Due to the complexity of the network environment, Dartou Culture does not guarantee that the services will meet the user's requirements, nor does it guarantee that the services will not be interrupted, and makes no warranties regarding the timeliness and security of the services. Dartou Culture is not responsible for any losses caused by network security, network failures, and illegal activities of other users.

8.4 Dartou Culture may independently decide to change, terminate, or suspend your use of any Dartou Culture game services at any time without prior notice to you, except as required by laws and regulations or your agreement with Dartou Culture. If your actions violate laws and regulations or the provisions of this Agreement, Dartou Culture may terminate or suspend your use of any Dartou Culture game services in accordance with relevant provisions, and Dartou Culture is not required to bear any responsibility, and has the right to require you to bear corresponding responsibilities.

8.5 Dartou Culture games may cause your game characters, game props, game equipment, and game currency, etc., to experience data anomalies due to game software bugs, version update defects, third-party virus attacks, or any other factors. Before the cause of the data anomaly is identified, Dartou Culture has the right to temporarily freeze the game account; if it is found that the data anomaly is due to abnormal game behavior, Dartou Culture has the right to restore the game account data to its original state before the anomaly occurred (including recovering data transferred to a third party), and Dartou Culture is not required to bear any responsibility to you.

8.6 Dartou Culture does not authorize you to obtain game accounts, game props, game equipment, game currency, etc. from any third party through purchase, acceptance of gifts, or other means. Dartou Culture is not responsible for transactions with third parties and does not accept any complaints arising from disputes over third-party transactions.

8.7 You fully understand that advertisements, links, or other forms of promotional content from third parties in Dartou Culture games are provided by the third parties themselves, and you should judge their authenticity on your own. Dartou Culture does not make any express or implied warranties regarding the promotional content.

8.8 You fully understand that there is an objective situation where different operating systems are not interoperable, which is not caused by Dartou Culture. This may result in your recharge and game data in one operating system not being transferred smoothly to another operating system. The recharge loss and game data loss risks caused by switching between different systems should be borne by you and you may not require Dartou Culture to bear any responsibility.

8.9 You fully understand that Dartou Culture games may have mandatory battle zones or gameplay. If you do not agree to mandatory battles, please do not enter the game or game zones; your entry will be considered as consent to the gameplay and acceptance of the corresponding consequences.

8.10 You fully understand that Dartou Culture is not responsible for any psychological, physiological harm, or economic loss that may occur or has occurred due to online gaming behavior between users.

8.11 You fully understand that Dartou Culture is not responsible for any personal information data being leaked or game accounts, virtual property, or game props being stolen or lost due to improper storage of account information by the user.

8.12 You fully understand that if a user's actions other than playing the game according to the game rules violate the laws and regulations of the People's Republic of China, the user is solely responsible, and Dartou Culture is not responsible.

IX. Intellectual Property

9.1 Dartou Culture is the intellectual property rights holder of Dartou Culture games. All copyrights, trademarks, patents, trade secrets, and other intellectual property rights related to Dartou Culture games, as well as all information content related to Dartou Culture games (including text, images, audio, video, charts, interface design, layout framework, relevant data, or electronic documents, etc.) are protected by the laws and regulations of the People's Republic of China and corresponding international treaties. Dartou Culture owns the above intellectual property rights, except for the rights that the relevant right holders should enjoy according to the law.

9.2 The ownership and intellectual property rights of the game data generated by you in the use of Dartou Culture game services belong to Dartou Culture, which has the right to dispose of the game data.

9.3 Dartou Culture games may involve third-party intellectual property rights. If the third party has requirements for your use of such intellectual property rights based on this Agreement in Dartou Culture games, Dartou Culture will inform you of the requirements in an appropriate manner, and you should comply with them.

X. Compliance with Local Legal Regulations

10.1 When using Dartou Culture game services, you should comply with the relevant local laws and regulations and respect the local moral and customs. If your behavior violates local laws and regulations or moral customs, you should bear the responsibility independently.

10.2 You should avoid using Dartou Culture game services to involve Dartou Culture in political and public events. Otherwise, Dartou Culture has the right to suspend or terminate the service to you.

XI. Privacy Policy

Protecting user personal information and privacy is a fundamental principle of Dartou Culture. In addition to this Agreement, Dartou Culture game services will follow the relevant privacy policy published by Dartou Culture.

XII. Jurisdiction and Application of Law

12.1 The place of signing this Agreement is Nanshan District, Shenzhen City, Guangdong Province, People's Republic of China.

12.2 The establishment, effectiveness, performance, interpretation, and dispute resolution of this Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the People's Republic of China (excluding the conflict of law rules).

12.3 If you and Dartou Culture have any disputes or controversies over this Agreement, you should first negotiate amicably; if the negotiation fails, you agree to submit the dispute or controversy to the people's court with jurisdiction in the place where the Agreement is signed.

12.4 The headings of all terms of this Agreement are for convenience of reading only and have no actual meaning. They cannot be used as a basis for interpreting the meaning of this Agreement.

12.5 Regardless of the reason for any part of this Agreement being invalid, the remaining terms are still valid and binding on all parties.

XIII. Miscellaneous

13.1 If you have any comments or suggestions regarding this Agreement or Dartou Culture game services, you can contact Dartou Culture's customer service department, and we will provide you with the necessary assistance.

Shenzhen Dartou Culture Technology Co., Ltd.
Dartou Culture Privacy Policy
Last Updated: February 1, 2024
Effective Date: February 1, 2024

If you are under 18 years of age, please read and understand this privacy policy together with your guardian, as well as the Children's Privacy Protection Policy (for minors under 14 years old), and ensure that your guardian has agreed to your acceptance of this privacy policy, the rules for the protection of children's personal information, and the services we provide to you.

It is important to note that this policy does not apply to services provided by independent third parties to you. For example, when a third party provides services within our product, we will inform you that the service is provided by an independent third party, and the personal information you provide to the third party is not covered by this privacy policy.

1. Methods, Scope, and Purpose of Collecting Personal Information

In the process of using our game services, our company collects information from users in the most minimal way and within the smallest scope necessary to achieve the purpose of processing, in order to provide, optimize our services, and ensure the security of your account:

1.1 When you register, log in, and use our game services, we collect your account and login information as network identity information to mark you as a user of our game. You can use WeChat, QQ, a mobile phone number, or other accounts recognized by us (hereinafter referred to as "third-party accounts") to register and log in to our game product.

If you use WeChat, QQ, a mobile phone number, or a third-party account to log in to our game, we will collect the unique identifiers, nicknames, and avatars associated with your WeChat, QQ, mobile phone number or third-party account to help you complete registration and login, as well as the friend relationships, membership information, VIP information, or other information you have authorized, to associate your WeChat, QQ, or third-party account friends in the game, display your membership status, provide you with applicable game benefits, and enhance your social experience. You can view and manage this information authorization in WeChat, QQ, or the third-party platform.

1.2 In accordance with national laws and regulations, you need to authenticate your game account for real-name registration. We will collect your real-name identity information, including real name and ID number. If you refuse to register and authenticate, you will not be able to use our services normally. This information is sensitive, and we will encrypt and store your real-name information confidentially to protect your personal rights from being affected.

1.3 When you use our game services, we will collect your game log information, such as login logs, item logs, operation information, game match information, friend information, etc., to ensure that you can use various functions and scenarios of the game, and also for customer complaint handling and game security and vulnerability analysis. To ensure the consistency and stability of your game experience, we may synchronize this information to the subsequent versions of the game.

1.4 To ensure the normal use of our services, maintain the basic functions of the game, optimize the performance of our game products based on your device terminal and network status, enhance your gaming experience, and ensure the security of your account, we will collect your device name, device type, device model and version, operating system, system properties, IP address, operator information, Wi-Fi status/parameters, device identifiers (such as IMEI, IMSI, MAC address, Android ID, hardware serial number, OAID), application ID, network type and other information.

1.5 Purpose and Method of Information Collection:

Dartou Culture collects your relevant information solely to assist you with account registration and to provide you with game products or services, as follows:

(1) To protect the rights of minors, in accordance with relevant laws, regulations, and departmental rules, when you register a Dartou Culture game user account, you need to provide basic registration information and real-name registration information to enable us to provide you with game services.

(2) When we provide products or services, we use this information for information push, identity verification, customer service, security prevention, fraud monitoring, archiving, and backup purposes to ensure the security of the products and services we provide to you.

(3) To improve our services, Dartou Culture may use cookies to store and sometimes track user information. The above use is limited to: estimating traffic, counting user preferences, and other commercial, market analysis, or academic purposes. Cookies may be used by third parties, such as advertising services, which require identifiable data and information as evaluation metrics and data, which are only used for analysis. Evaluate the effectiveness of advertisements and other promotions and promotions in our products or services, and improve them.

(4) Software certification or software upgrade management

1.6To ensure the visual presentation effect of the game product and to achieve functions such as landscape/portrait mode switching and vibration, we need to collect your sensor information to rotate and redraw the screen based on the orientation changes of your device.

1.7In the scenario of redeeming mobile recharge rewards in the game, we will collect your phone number information provided by you to ensure successful redemption of mobile recharge rewards.

1.8 To ensure the game environment and device security, and to create a fair, healthy, and secure gaming environment, we will collect your device and game identification information, such as device identifiers, hardware and operating system information, installed application lists, process and game crash records, overall game usage, game channel source, etc., to combat behaviors that destroy the fair gaming environment or interfere with or disrupt the normal operation of the game service (such as detecting pirated versions, scanning for cheats, preventing cheating, etc.).

1.9 When you interact with other players in the game through text, voice, or other multimedia files, we may collect and retain the above information content you send to filter out inappropriate content such as pornography, violence, politics, abuse, malicious advertising, etc., in order to purify the gaming environment and maintain a healthy online environment.

1.10 To provide you with location-based game services (quick recommendation of regional gameplay), we will collect your geographical location information (including nearby Wi-Fi, nearby base station ID, i.e., CellID, GPS information). Geographical location information is sensitive personal information. Refusing to provide this information will only result in your inability to use the corresponding location-based game functions, but will not affect the normal use of other game functions.

1.11 If you contact our customer service, we may need you to provide necessary personal information for identity verification to ensure the security of your account. Based on your request for service, with your authorization, customer service personnel need to query or verify your relevant information within the scope of your authorization. We will take technical and management measures to ensure the security and confidentiality of your information and use it within a necessary scope. We may also retain your contact information (your mobile number, WeChat ID, QQ number, or other contact methods provided or actively used by you), your communication records and content with us, and other necessary information to provide and record customer service, based on the actual authorization and information provided by you.

1.12 To provide a better gaming experience, achieve functions such as landscape/portrait mode switching, vibration, and sensing user shaking the phone, we will obtain sensor permissions.

1.13 To collect the above information to achieve specific game functions and business scenarios, we may request some system permissions from you in specific business scenarios, and you can choose whether to authorize them independently. These system permissions include:

Android - Accelerometer sensor: Used by the game engine service.

Android - Call and manage phone: Used by the game to provide internet access and third-party SDK operation permissions.

Android - SD card read permission: Used by the game to maintain accounts and data storage functions.

Android - Storage/iOS - Photos: Provides functions for saving, sharing, and uploading profile pictures.

Android - Microphone/iOS - Microphone: Provides in-game voice communication.

Android - Location/iOS - Location Services: Provides location-based game services.

iOS - Advertising Identifier: Obtains the advertising identifier for monitoring the effectiveness of advertising, analysis, and optimization of advertising delivery effects.

The above permissions will not be enabled by default, and we will only request these permissions in specific business scenarios. Refusing these permissions will only affect the specific game functions and business scenarios associated with them, and will not affect other game functions. Please understand that due to the different operating systems of different terminal devices, the names of permissions on different terminals will vary. You can manage system permissions through the terminal device's [Settings - Game Settings - Privacy] page.

1.14 For HTML5 or Flash pages in our game products, to achieve statistical access, optimize web effects, record logins and operations, and facilitate your completion of repeated logins and access, we use technologies such as Cookie or tags and scripts to collect information including Internet Protocol (IP) addresses, browser type, Internet service provider, referring/exit pages, operating system, date/time stamp, and/or clickstream data. We do not associate the automatically collected log data with other information we collect. You can clear this information by clearing the browser/game cache.

1.15 When you use the consumption function, we will collect your recharge records and consumption records to provide services and allow you to query your transaction records, while protecting the security of your virtual items to the greatest extent. Recharge records and consumption records are sensitive personal information. The collection of this information is necessary to implement the consumption function; otherwise, transactions cannot be completed.

1.16 According to relevant laws, regulations, and national standards, we may collect and use your personal information without your authorization and consent in the following situations:

(1)Related to national security, national defense, and other national interests;

(2)Related to public safety, public health, and other significant public interests;

(3)Related to criminal investigation, prosecution, trial, and execution of judgments;

(4)Necessary to maintain the life, property, reputation, and other significant legitimate rights and interests of the personal information subject or other individuals, but difficult to obtain your consent;

(5)The personal information collected is publicly disclosed by you;

(6)Collected from legally disclosed information, such as legal news reports, government information disclosure, etc.;

(7)Necessary for the conclusion of a contract at your request;

(8)Necessary for maintaining the safe and stable operation of the services provided, such as discovering and handling service failures;

(9)Necessary for legitimate news reporting;

(10)Academic research institutions conduct statistical or academic research based on public interest, and when providing the results of academic research or descriptions, de-identify the personal information contained in the results;

(11)Other situations stipulated by laws and regulations.

1.16 Currently, in addition to collecting game research information from third-party research institutions to help us improve our game products and provide services suitable for you, and the situations explicitly stated in this privacy policy, we do not actively obtain your personal information from third parties. If it is necessary to indirectly obtain and process your personal information from third parties for business development in the future, we will strictly comply with the relevant laws and regulations, require the third party to obtain your consent, and ensure the legality of the information provided.

1.17 We may access or link to third-party platforms or other services (including websites or other service forms). Including:

(1)You can use the "share" button to share certain game content to third-party services. These functions may collect your information (including your log information) and may install COOKIES on your device to operate the above functions;

(2)We provide links through advertisements or other ways of our services, allowing you to link to third-party services or websites;

(3)Other situations of accessing third-party services. For example, to achieve the purposes stated in this policy, we may access third-party service providers' SDKs or similar applications (such as embedded code, plugins, etc.) to provide you with better customer service and user experience.

Some third-party SDKs or similar applications that we access may collect your personal information, When you use services provided by third parties through our services, you agree that they may directly collect and process your information. We will evaluate the legality, legitimacy, and necessity of these third-party services collecting personal information, require them to take measures to protect your personal information, and strictly comply with relevant laws and regulations and regulatory requirements.

The services of these third-party platforms are operated by the relevant third parties. The use of the services of such third parties (including any information you provide to such third parties) is subject to the third party's own service policies and information protection statements (not this policy), and you need to carefully read their policies. This policy only applies to the personal information we collect and does not apply to the information usage rules of any third-party platforms. If you find that these third-party platforms are risky, we recommend that you terminate the relevant operations to protect your legitimate rights and interests and contact us in time.

2. Sharing, Transferring, and Public Disclosure of Personal Information

2.1 Sharing of Personal Information

Except as provided in this Privacy Policy and the Dartou Culture Game License and Service Agreement, we will not voluntarily share your personal information with third parties without your consent. If there is any other sharing of your personal information or if you require us to share your personal information with a third party for purposes beyond the original authorization, we will directly or indirectly obtain your explicit consent for such actions through the third party. The following are the scenarios where we may share information with third parties for specific purposes:

1) Minor Protection

To better protect the physical and mental health of minors and promote healthy internet use, we will inform the guardians of the relevant consumption records and usage of the game when we discover suspected minor consumption or upon the request of a legal guardian, for reminder, confirmation, and processing. For the collection of personal information of minors, please refer to Section 7 of this Privacy Policy.

2) Associated Product Services

When you use other products or services operated by us (“associated products”), with your explicit authorization, we will bind your game product account with the associated products and share your game product account nickname, avatar, achievements, or other authorized information with the associated products for display to you or other users within the associated products, allowing you to participate in game welfare activities within the associated products and receive corresponding benefits. Specific personal information collection and usage rules will be synchronized with you when you bind accounts, and account binding and information sharing will be completed after obtaining your authorization consent.

3) Third-party Services

To ensure the safe and stable operation of the game and achieve specific functions, some services within our games are provided by our affiliates or other third parties. We carefully select third parties and third-party services, and urge relevant third parties to collect and use your personal information in accordance with this Privacy Policy or other agreements reached with you, and to take appropriate security technologies and management measures to ensure the security of your personal information. For specific information on third-party information sharing in this product.

4) Statistical Analysis and Research

To enhance our capabilities in security management and technological research, improve service security and technical levels, and provide users with better services, within a reasonable and necessary scope, ensuring legitimate purposes and data security, our internal project teams may share data that has been de-identified or anonymized.

5) Advertising

For the purpose of advertising, evaluating and optimizing advertising campaign effectiveness, etc., we need to share some of your data with advertising partners, suppliers, service providers, and their agents. We require them to strictly comply with our measures and requirements regarding data privacy protection, including but not limited to processing in accordance with data protection agreements, commitments, and related data handling policies, to avoid identifying personal identities and ensure privacy security. For how products that provide advertising push share data with third-party advertising partners.

6) We or our affiliates may also share your personal information for the following needs:

• To comply with court orders or other legal procedures;

• To comply with requirements of relevant government agencies;

• To comply with applicable laws and regulations, maintain social and public interests, or protect the safety and property of our customers, our group companies, other users, or employees.

2.2 Public Disclosure of Personal Information

Except as otherwise provided in this Privacy Policy and the Dartou Culture Game License and Service Agreement, we will not publicly disclose the personal information we collect. If public disclosure is necessary, we will inform you of the purpose of the disclosure, the type of information disclosed, which may include sensitive personal information, and obtain your explicit consent.

Please note that if you violate the Dartou Culture Game License and Service Agreement or engage in any illegal or improper activities while using our games, we may announce the handling results and disclose relevant account information in the announcement.

2.3 Transfer of Personal Information

Without your authorization, we will not transfer your personal information to third parties. In the event of a merger, acquisition, asset transfer, or other similar transactions, we will inform you of the situation and continue to protect your personal information in accordance with laws and regulations and no less than the standards required by this Privacy Policy, or require the new processor to continue protecting your personal information.

3. Storage of Personal Information

3.1 Method and Duration of Information Storage

We store your information securely, including local storage (e.g., data caching using the app), databases, and server logs. Generally, we only store your personal information for as long as necessary to fulfill the purposes of providing our services or as required by laws and regulations. After the expiration of the aforementioned period, we will delete or anonymize your personal information. We determine the storage period of personal information based on the following criteria, with the longer period being the standard:

1) Completion of the business functions you have agreed to use;

2) Ensuring the safety and quality of the services we provide to you;

3) Longer retention periods you have agreed to;

4) Other provisions regarding the retention period;

5) Information that must be retained for a specific period as stipulated by laws and regulations.

3.2 Geographic Location of Information Storage

We comply with legal requirements, and the information we collect and generate during our operations within the People's Republic of China is stored in Mainland China (excluding Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan).

3.3 Notification in the Event of Service Discontinuation

In the event that our products or services are discontinued, we will announce according to relevant laws and regulations and ensure the protection of your legal rights.

4. Information Security

4.1 Use of Personal Information

(1)We strictly collect and use personal information in accordance with the necessary rules for providing services and upgrading and optimizing those services.

(2)We do not collect user personal information beyond what is necessary for game services or use the information for purposes other than providing services. We also do not collect or use information through deception, coercion, or in violation of laws, regulations, or agreements with users.

(3) Upon termination of the service by the user, we will cease the collection and use of the user's personal information.

(4) We implement strict confidentiality measures for the user's personal information collected and used, and do not disclose, tamper with, or damage it, nor do we sell it or provide it to others illegally.

4.2 Security Protection Measures

We strive to provide security for user information to prevent leakage, loss, misuse, unauthorized access, and disclosure. We use comprehensive security measures to ensure that the protection of user personal information is at a reasonable level, including technical protection means, management system controls, and security system guarantees.

We employ industry-leading technical protection measures. These include but are not limited to firewalls, encryption (such as SSL), de-identification or anonymization processing, and access control measures. Additionally, we continuously enhance the security capabilities of the software installed on your device. For example, we encrypt part of the information locally on your device to strengthen secure transmission; we also understand the application information installed on your device and the processes running to prevent viruses, trojans, and other malicious programs.

We have established a management system, processes, and organization specifically for the security of personal information. For instance, we strictly limit the access to information and require compliance with confidentiality obligations and audits. Personnel who violate these obligations are subject to penalties according to regulations. We also review these systems, processes, and organizations to prevent unauthorized access, use, or disclosure of user information.

We recommend that you fully protect your personal information when using our products and services, and we provide various security features to assist you in protecting your personal information.

4.3 Security Incident Handling Measures

In the event of a security incident such as personal information leakage, we will activate emergency plans to prevent the expansion of the incident. After the security incident, we will inform you of the basic situation of the incident, the measures we are about to take or have taken, and our suggestions for your response through announcements, push notifications, or emails. If it is difficult to notify one by one, we will issue a warning through announcements.

5、Your Rights

5.1During your use of our services, you can query, delete, correct, or revoke your relevant personal information through the login interface on our website platform and within different game products, following the instructions in relevant emails or announcements, or by contacting customer service at 0755-86171049.

5.2Account Deletion: For products or services where you cannot delete your account and personal information yourself, you can apply by contacting us at 0755-86171049 or sending an email to After your account is deleted, we will stop providing products or services and legally delete your personal information or make it anonymous.


We may periodically update this Privacy Policy. When the rules for collecting and using personal information and other matters stipulated by laws and regulations in this Privacy Policy change, we will update the Privacy Policy in a timely manner and notify you of the changes. Please carefully read the updated Privacy Policy, and your continued use of our games indicates your agreement to our collection, processing, or use of your personal information in accordance with the updated Privacy Policy.

7、Protection of Minors

We attach great importance to the protection of minors' personal information and continuously explore new ways to update the protection of minors' personal information.

We comply with national anti-addiction policies and use an anti-addiction system to protect the legitimate rights and interests of minors. We verify whether the real-name information of the relevant account is that of a minor to determine whether to include the account in the anti-addiction system. Additionally, we collect your login time, game duration, and other information to guide minors to play games reasonably by automatically intervening at the system level, limiting game time, and enabling forced offline functions. In cases of suspected minor consumption, we attempt to contact the minor's guardians for reminders, confirmations, and handling, helping minors to use the internet healthily.

If you are the guardian of a minor, please pay attention to whether the minor has obtained your consent before using our services or providing personal information. If you have any questions about the personal information of the minor you are supervising, please contact us through Section 9 of this Policy.

Particularly, if you are a child under the age of 14, to protect children's personal information, we have also issued the Child Privacy Protection Policy. Before using our services, children and their guardians should also carefully read the Child Privacy Protection Policy. Only with the guardian's consent to the Child Privacy Protection Policy can you use our services.


8.1 Disclaimer

We are not responsible for the following situations:

(1) Any personal information leakage due to you informing others of your personal information or sharing your account with others;

(2) Any personal information leakage, loss, misuse, alteration, or destruction due to hacker attacks, computer virus or mobile virus intrusion or outbreak, temporary closure due to government regulation, and other force majeure affecting normal operation of the network;

(3) Personal information leakage and any resulting legal disputes and consequences caused by linking to other internet websites, mobile websites, or mobile APP clients related to our services.

8.2 Scope of Application of the "Dartou Culture Privacy Policy"

The "Dartou Culture Privacy Policy" is a general privacy policy applicable to all games of our company, which includes but is not limited to user rights and information security protection measures, and applies to users of our company's games.

The "Child Privacy Protection Policy" is the personal information protection rule applicable to users under the age of 14. Within the scope of application of the "Child Privacy Protection Policy", if there are inconsistencies or conflicts with the "Dartou Culture Privacy Policy", the "Child Privacy Protection Policy" shall prevail.

9、Contact Us

If you have any complaints or reports regarding network information security, or if you have any questions, opinions, or suggestions about this Privacy Policy or your information, please contact us through the following methods. We will handle your issues within 15 working days.

Intelligent Customer Service Path: Log in to the game main interface - Feedback

Customer Service Email:

Contact Information for Personal Information Protection Officer:

Company Registration Address: Room B2-905, Building B, KeXing Science Park, No. 15 Keyuan Road, Science Park Community, Yuehai Street, Nanshan District, Shenzhen

Shenzhen Dartou Culture Technology Co., Ltd.

Third-party SDK Service Providers Directory

To ensure the functionality and stable operation of the APP, we may integrate third-party software development kits (SDKs) or similar applications to achieve related purposes. We conduct strict security assessments of the SDKs or similar applications provided by our partners to protect your personal information security.

As different third parties may access various types of personal information, the following personal information is specifically explained:

Device Information: Device model, operating system version, device resolution, device battery level, device settings, process and software list, Android ID, MEID, hardware serial number, device storage read information, device identifiers (MAC/IMEI/AndroidID/IDFA/OpenUDID/GUID/SIM card IMSI information), hardware and software feature information, and location-related information (such as IP address, GPS location, and WLAN access points, Bluetooth, and base station sensor information that can provide relevant information).

Network Information: Network environment, IP address, MAC address, IMSI

Log Information: Login account, IP address, telecom operator, network environment, language used, access date and time, client version, package name, Push open records, stay duration, refresh records, release records, favorites, and sharing

Operator Information: Mobile, Telecom, and Unicom operators in Mainland China